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Az Egyesületünk célja a magyar és az európai oktatási intézmények közötti partnerkapcsolatok erősítése. Jelenleg több nemzetközi projektben dolgozunk.

IEREST Projekt


IEREST - Intercultural Education Resources for Erasmus Students and their Teachers - is a three-year Erasmus Multilateral Project (2012-2015) which aims to develop a set of teaching modules in order to support Erasmus students before, during, and after their mobility experience in terms of personal growth and intercultural awareness. 


ELICIT Projekt


ELICIT project is a three-year Comenius Multilateral Project which was launched in 2010 and aimed to provide:


  • Reference Framework of the competences (knowledge and skills) necessary to teach European Citizenship Literacy


  • Database of existing resources necessary to implement European Citizenship education in schools


  • Portfolio of the European Citizen indicating areas of achievement and levels of attainment


ELICIT Plus Projekt


ELICIT+ is the result of a cooperation between two successful networks: ELOS and ELICIT and it will be enriched with input from the Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE).


The main objective is to establish a sustainable and growing network of training modules and training locations for teachers, parents and other actors in education to educate a growing number of European pupils, students and adults to become responsible European citizens who can be competitive in the

global community.


The project consortium is composed of 26 partners from 13 different European countries including universities, education institutes, associations, INGOs, schools, local author ities. The target groups are adults involved in education (formal, informal and non-formal) and students at all levels, from schools

to universities.


The main activities will be the implementation of different training modules: training the trainers, initial and in-service training for teachers, long life learning for adults, training teachers, educators and parents in the principles and methodology of inclusive education, and the common European mention

for universities.

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